It was feared that government changes to tuition fees would negatively impact the numbers of students choosing to go on to further education and university, but although many students are now being forced to cough up thousands of pounds in fees, figures indicate that applications for places in September 2012 are up compared to the same period last year, which is good news for student landlords!
Operating student rental accommodation can be an excellent business proposition for landlords in popular university towns and cities and there are many advantages in marketing your buy to let properties towards students. Students always need accommodation and in most cases on-site campus accommodation is restrictive and very much in short supply. Students are also used to paying their rents at least a term in advance, so you are unlikely to be out of pocket, plus a student tenant is a reliable tenant and will be around for at least one year—and potentially three years if you are lucky.
On the downside, students are not known for their clean living lifestyles and it is pointless in letting a smart four bed executive detached house to a bunch of students and expecting it to remain in good condition at the end of six months. It is also worth pointing out that students are far choosier about the accommodation they go for these days (most stipulate WiFi access, a good location, and other modern conveniences as an absolute minimum), so you may find it hard to let a property that is in poor condition and located miles from campus.