With the population of Liverpool on the cusp of the first “chosen by voters” mayoral election, campaigners against rogue landlords have come out in force to try and persuade the soon-to-be elected mayor to deal with what is becoming an ever increasing problem in the city.
The national housing charity, Shelter, set up a spoof lettings agency called “Rotten Homes” and invited local people to come and sign their petition against rogue landlords in Liverpool. Unsurprisingly, along with a large number of signatures, there were plenty of colourful stories, too.
I thought I’d heard it all over the years, but even I was shocked to read the tale of a young tenant who went on holiday, only to return to discover her kitchen had been ripped out and the landlord wanted fifty pounds to put another one in. She had to endure living with no appliances, worktops or a floor for three months before she chose to vacate the property. And if that sounds farfetched, how about the story of the landlord who regularly sent his relatives around to deliver threats to the tenants who were living in his properties!
Personally I find it a pretty sad indictment of today’s society that so many landlords are ready to take advantage of the those who have no alternative but to live in rented accommodation. Operating rental properties is a business and landlords have a duty of care to make their properties safe and habitable for tenants. But with 43% of rental properties classed as below par in Liverpool, it would seem that a lot of landlords are not fulfilling their obligations.