Royal Wedding Brings in Rental Opportunity

Date: Friday, April 29th, Venue: Westminster Abbey, Occasion: Wedding of the Year.

Where would you be on this historic day when Prince William says ‘I do’ to the lovely Miss Kate? Reports show that the last royal wedding before now recorded a historic 750 million viewers worldwide and brought in thousands to see the “royalness” of England; observers say this time would be bigger.

Enough talk, how do you plan to take advantage of this “massive opportunity” to make some cash from your property? Of the £100 million or thereabout up for grabs, how much do you intend to scoop?, the website that helps global travellers find spare rooms to rent, report a ‘massive spike in demand’ for a London bed over the wedding weekend.

Let me whet your appetite a bit: period townhouses in prime locations can command as much as £4,000 for the week (people from all over the world are booking already); some landlords are charging top hotel rates of £300-plus. Some are offering a bed space for between £30 and £150 per night for the period – and I bet you, there would be somebody willing to rent. You can cash in on this too.

All you need do is offer a spare room in your flat up for rent; you can place classified ads in the papers or better still take advantage of the internet. There are several sites dedicated to this type of “adventure”, one good site is

For those with prime property or flats close to Westminster Abbey, Buckingham palace, or other tourist attractive sites not too far away from the venues, this is a golden chance. also reports that one in four Londoners are already contemplating “biting from this cake;” so it’s time to brace up and claim your share from “the wedding of the year”

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