More Tenants Fight Eviction Cases in Court

If you have ever tried to evict one of your tenants, only to have the case end up in court, you are probably more than familiar with the numerous eviction problems faced by landlords. Sadly this is becoming an increasingly depressing scenario landlords have to deal with on a regular basis.

Figures show a rise in the number of tenants defending their eviction case in courts and also appealing decisions made by judges in such cases. So if you are really unlucky, not only does your tenant decide to fight you in court, but even when the judge rules in your favour, the case goes to appeal and the delays caused by court closures as a result of an overwrought legal system leave you in rent arrears for months.

Why is this happening?

There are probably a number of factors at play here. Firstly, with competition for rental accommodation so high, most landlords cannot be bothered to put up with tenants that refuse to pay their rent or abuse the property in some way, therefore we are much more likely to start eviction proceedings with a view to looking for a more amenable tenant next time around. Secondly, tenants these days are much more likely to know their legal rights, which means they are better able to use the system to their advantage.

No landlord wants to deal with this kind of hassleā€”it takes time to sort out and it can end up extremely costly. So make sure you cover your back, practice due diligence, and always check tenants references before accepting them into one of your properties.

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