As any responsible landlord knows, it is vital to have gas checked at least once per year to ensure they are safe and free from potentially hazardous faults that could endanger the life of the tenants living in the property. But, sadly, not all landlords consider such matters to be important and fail to carry out standard safety checks.
In a case described as “shocking” by the local HSE inspector, two landlords in Sheffield have recently been found guilty of endangering the life of their tenant and handed suspended jail sentences by Sheffield Magistrates Court.
Failing to have gas appliances regularly checked and serviced is in breach of the law, but much important than that, these requirements are put in place to protect tenants’ lives. It might be tempting to put off calling out a Corgi registered gas engineer, especially if cash flow is a bit tight, but remember your legal obligations and don’t play Russian Roulette with your tenant’s life. If you do, you could end up with a large fine, a suspended prison sentence, or a death on your conscience.