In a timely adjunct to my blog last week about fire safety a landlord has been hit with a massive eight thousand pound fine by environmental health. Apparently an inspection by officers from Swinford council revealed that the premises were a disaster waiting to happen.
The property was four storeys and divided into seven separate bedsits. With in these living areas the officers found broken windows, emergency lighting that was defunct and smoke alarms that were not in working order. Combined with the fact that the fire doors were of the poorest quality they ruled that the landlords needed to face court to answer for the state of the property. He was fined a massive eight thousand dollars.
I think we can all agree that this guy was asking for it. The possibility of a life being lost in this place was too high to be ignored. Personally I genuinely do not know how landlords who pull this kind of stunt sleep at night. The worry would kill me.