Like most people, I have been watching the evening news for the last few nights, aghast at the events playing out in London and in other major cities. As the rioting and looting of property spreads and chaos ensues, it is hard to believe just how much damage has been caused by a small minority intent on creating anarchy.
But what happens if you are a landlord and you have property in one of the affected areas? Checking your landlord insurance cover is something you should do in the first instance. Make sure you have sufficient insurance and that it will cover any potential damage to property. Unfortunately, it might already be too late if your property has been affected by the riots, but if you are covered, at least the damage can be rectified. As a responsible landlord, you should also contact your tenants to make sure they are ok and to advise them of what to do if they feel they are in any danger.
After four nights of violence, we can now (hopefully) look forward to a cessation of the trouble in our city centres as the law enforcement agencies crack down hard on the criminal element behind the disorder. I have been lucky and none of this has affected me, but sadly there are lots of innocent people who have not been quite so lucky. Who can forget the images of burning buildings? Every scene of wanton destruction represents a livelihood, a business, or even a home. We can only hope that this is the end of this shameful episode.