Say ‘NO’ to Voids!

One month of lost rental income can knock your property cash flow and profitability for SIX! Minimising the void periods is essential if you want to maximise your property cash flow. There are three common instances when you are most likely to experience void periods:

a) when a property has first been purchased and is getting ready for let
b) when your current tenants are moving out and new tenants are due to move in i.e. between lets
c) in the quietest months i.e. summer holidays and Christmas time Continue reading

Don’t Let Time Wasters Waste Your Time

If you are a self managing landlord then nothing is more irritating than tenants not turning up for a property viewing. After all, we are busy people and the last thing we need is a tenant who doesn’t turn up.

No doubt we have all been in the situation where we have arranged to meet a tenant at a certain time during the day, only to find that 15 minutes after the agreed time the tenant has still not arrived – how annoying! Continue reading

How Well Do You Get on With Your Tenants?

A survey by The Deposit Protection Service (DPS) claims that a majority of tenants get on well with their residential landlord.

As I strongly believe – property is a people business and there is nobody more important to our property business than our tenants!

About 84 percent of tenants have a ‘harmonious’ relationship with their landlord and a quarter of these went on to call it a ‘fantastic’ relationship. Just 16 percent of those who completed the survey were not happy with their landlord relationship. Continue reading

Location, location, location…..Really?

It seems a long while now since we heard every other person talking about programmes such as location, location, location! In fact, it is probably the last thing that most investors are worrying about at the present time.

The word on the lips of landlords and property investors more so nowadays, is cashflow, cash flow, cash flow! After all, this is the single biggest challenge that is facing us in the current economic climate. Buying more property is off the radar for most investors and instead it is a case of now getting their ‘property house’ in order. Continue reading

Would You Drop Your Property Rent?

Interesting question isn’t it – ‘Would you really drop rents?’ I know that for many landlords the answer to this question is a definite ‘No’, but I think it really needs to be thought about more carefully, and the benefits and drawbacks carefully scrutinised.

I have dropped rents in the past and here is the criteria that I consider when a tenant tells me they are struggling to pay the rent: Continue reading

Property Still the Way to Invest Say Parents!

Despite a year of falling property prices, British parents are still buoyant about the property market in the years to come. This was evident from a study which showed that nearly half of British parents have offered financial assistance to their grown up offspring to help them to get on to the property ladder.

The study was carried out by market research firm BDRC. The study revealed that 40 percent of parents over the age of 45 believed that investing in the UK property market will give secure returns to their children in the future. Continue reading