Landlords – How to end a tenancy the right way

Big players in the landlord industry are keen to get some much needed advice out to their fellow landlords. Mainly this week it has involved the all important procedure a landlord should follow at the end of the tenancy.

I sympathise with landlords who are in a tearing hurry to be rid of some tenants but that is often when things go wrong. The other circumstance where landlords miss something is when the tenant has been next to perfect, it can be easy to get complacent.  That is why it is vital to make sure you have an end of tenancy procedure and stick to it rigidly.

In my opinion part of this procedure should be a meeting with the outgoing tenant at least a week before their departure.  This way you can discuss the standards that need to be met for return of deposit. You cannot move the goalposts from what was agreed when the tenancy started but you can gently remind the tenant of what you are expecting.

This often diffuses any disagreements.

Then make sure you meet the tenant on the day of departure and immediately return any deposit owed to the tenant.

Working like this is the best way to avoid confrontations and has worked on ninety nine per cent of occasions for me.

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