The New Laws: What is the Government Thinking?

The RLA (Residential Landlord’s Association) are not happy with the new law allowing local government to force them to obtain planning permission to rent a property to three or more unrelated people, in certain ‘problem’ areas.

So what is the government’s thinking, what is motivating them?

They say this “(the government) also understands the concerns of residents who see their neighbourhoods being overrun by HMOs(houses in multiple occupancy) and the significant impact this is having on their quality of life.”

The bottom line is there are pockets where so many HMO’s are causing a problem for other residents. The types of places being complained about are often (not always but often) student areas and the residents complain of high noise and littering levels. The government may not be saying so directly but their aim is to prevent student slums from forming.

I understand the concerns of residents, I really do. But I cannot help thinking the government is taking the easy way out. There are already laws against littering and high noise levels. Surely the way forward is to enforce them?

It troubles me that I see this occurring a lot in Britain at the moment. Instead of enforcing current laws we just create new ones.

More police anyone?

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