Green Is Go In Property Investment

It is good to see the concern for the environment is starting to reach into all parts of our economy and recent figures show that the property investment market is going to be part of this.

There is a lot of interest at the moment from investors who want to put their cash into energy efficient and environmentally friendly real estate. What is more is, that at the moment at least, the motivation is purely concern for the planet rather than profit. Thomas Beyerle of Aberdeen Property Investors that despite the lack of any evidence that going green will lead to any actual profit increase, many investors are still keen to get involved. 

Apart from selfless concern for the environment another reason investors may be keen to ‘go green’ is fear of future punitive measures being taken by the government as they attempt to reduce carbon emissions.

In other words a green building may not mean extra money in your pocket right now but it is very likely to reduce the amount the government wants to take away from you in the future. A lot of British buildings are old enough that they have totally escaped any legislation to clean up their act. That is likely to change as legislations takes into account buildings retrospectively. Certainly anyone buying a new building ought to choose green.

Investing in green real estate may prove a canny move for the future when legislations starts making inefficient buildings pay up. It could also be a way to get a step ahead of your competitors.



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