It is great to get recognition and a statement released this week by a spokesperson for National Approved Letting Scheme has me feeling all warm and fuzzy. OK this group may have a vested interest but I believe that what they had to say is very accurate and bears thinking about.
In calling the landlords and letting sector the “white knight’ of housing the spokesperson was referring to the fact that without them many of Britain’s young people would be without any suitable accommodation. With the banks very reluctant to help this group out with affordable mortgage options the buy to let section of housing has been many Britons only option.
Without the rental sector, it is not putting too fine a point on it to say, that these young Britons could have been in desperate straights. No one likes to see that happening and the population is lucky that the landlords were there to step in when banks were refusing to take any risks at all to help people get into housing.
There is an additional bonus for landlords though, with many tenants finding that renting actually suits them quite well.
“More and more people who could afford to get on to the housing ladder actually prefer to rent. The reason for that is it gives them much more flexibility,” the spokesperson for National Approved Letting Scheme explained in his ‘white knights’ statement