If you are reading this now, I say a big congratulation; I can easily deduce that you are at the verge of buying that befitting home and perhaps start a family – if you haven’t yet. There is no iota of doubt to the fact that buying and living in your own property will give you more rest of mind and increase your chances of getting bank loans and a host of other perks.
Buying a new home in the U.K can be very tricky especially if you are not too familiar with the terrain and business/negotiating modalities involved. Below are some of the most valuable tips that would save you a lot of headaches and make the process smooth.
1. List out (in a piece of paper), all the things you would like to have in the property – and carry this paper along during each tour. This is quite important considering that there a thousand and one available properties online and offline to choose from; you don’t want to spend all day touring
2. Have a clear time-frame for your search. Organize the number of houses you want to see per day or week. Try not to extend it to more than two weeks because the more you see the more indecisive or confused you become.
3. Look at photos from each house and invite your spouse/friend/relative to contribute in eliminating them one after the other.
4. Don’t be over ambitious. The location you desire to live in would generally determine what you’ll find, so remember that always.
5. Buy at once. If you – and your spouse/friend/relative think you have found the perfect house, never procrastinate, just buy immediately; chances are there are others pleased with property and willing to buy too.
6. Before releasing your hard earned cash, make sure to check all amenities that may need fixing and factor it into the price – that’s a wise step to adopt.
7. Don’t throw you money away; make sure the estate agent is genuine by checking with the local council and other regulatory bodies.
If I were to continue, I’d probably be ending up writing a book on what to do or otherwise when buying a home for the first time in the U.K. however, these 7 golden tips would surely see you through any property purchase; just be smart!